A simple tool to record your weight history and calculate BMI.
A simple tool to record your weight history.
- Simple user interface
- Chart
- Color display for loss/gain
- Weight goal and difference
- Total loss
- Units: ft/in/lb or cm/kg
You can usually open the menu by pressing MENU button on your phone. The location of MENU button varies depending on the phone you use.
For how to use, visithttp://swr.beyonj.com.
* Data compatibility with Version 1:
Basically, you can continue to use data entered in Version 1. However, you cannot edit data that is added using v1.0.x (released before Nov. 8, 2010). Even if you set a new date before the date of an input added using 1.0.x, the new date cannot be older than the date of old-style data.